Guidelines for choosing a training provider
Should you be interested in pursuing a counselling course there are a number of questions you may wish to ask your prospective training provider. Since you will be spending a fair sum of money on being trained the least you should do is check that the training organisation fulfils certain basic guidelines.Firstly, their awarding body should follow the guidelines of BACP. The principal awarding bodies are ABC and CPCAB.
Secondly, that the organisation has suitable insurance and awarding body recognition. It should follow BACP's ethical code for good practice and adhere to the training requirements of BACP.
Thirdly, that the teachers are members of BACP, have a teaching/training qualification, and, as a measure of good practice, are qualified to a level above that which they are teaching.
Fourthly, teachers should also be practising therapists. The Diploma course is a demanding course both theoretically and emotionally and it is important that teachers have the experience to be able to help and support students through their personal development which is an important part of the course. It is advisable therefore that teachers should have at least three years post-qualification experience.
So do not be afraid to ask to see teachers' certificates and evidence of their experience. Any reputable organisation and teacher will be more than happy to show you everything.
Jo Edwards Training not only fulfils these guidelines but in some cases exceeds them.